Pensacola Yacht Club Burgee

Phone: (850) 433-8804


Address: 1897 Cypress St. Pensacola
1897 Cypress St. Pensacola


Welcome to “the South’s Finest Yacht Club”. Pensacola Yacht Club is located at 1897 Cypress Street in downtown Pensacola, Florida.

The Pensacola Yacht Club, chartered in 1908, is a private club for members and their guests to organized navigation, safety, and recreational water activities. Now, members and their families also enjoy a full service restaurant, bar, banquet and meeting rooms, a beach, a marina, and a swimming pool overlooking Pensacola Bay as part of their membership benefits.

With it’s breathtaking views, elegant décor, and award-winning cuisine, Pensacola Yacht Club is an exceptional venue for a private party, banquet, meeting, wedding or wedding reception.

At present the Club membership is just over 750. Categories include Active/Full, Social, Cor